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Metis Insights Back Catalogue

Below are some of our METIS INSIGHTS or you can click here to jump to more.

4 min read

The ISPS Code and Modern Maritime Security

Historically, maritime security guidelines and best practice have evolved in response to incidents or issues that have...

3 min read

What can be learned from the IUU Fishing-Piracy Nexus?

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is an overarching term which refers to a combination of illicit...

3 min read

West Africa: the decline of piracy in 2021

The Gulf of Guinea has been the global epicentre of maritime crime and piracy for some time now. However, throughout...

5 min read

West Africa: where have the pirates gone?

The Gulf of Guinea has been the global epicentre of maritime crime and piracy for some time now. However, throughout...

4 min read

The ISPS Code and Modern Maritime Security

This edition of METIS Inform considers whether the International Ship and Port Facility Code (ISPS) adequately accounts...

5 min read

HRA UPDATE: Designated Risk Areas – Arbitrary Lines or Useful Tools for the Illustration of Risk?

This edition of METIS Inform is a revised issue of a piece we published in May 2021. The content of that piece has...


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